The ideal state of a person is a balanced Yin & Yang energies, based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM. Excess or deficiency in either Yin or Yang can bring about illness so a person should know his or her current state and the ways to achieve Yin and Yang balance. One basic way is to know the right food to eat whenever one is Yin and the right food when one is Yang.
Common indicators for a Yin state are cold hands and feet, a pale face and feeling weak. On the other hand, too warm hands and feet or a warm feeling, a red face and always raring to go are indicators that a person is Yang. A balanced state is just in between the indicators mentioned.
Yin people should eat warming foods like a warm soup and steamed vegetables even for salads. Raw vegetables are cooling foods and therefore more appropriate for Yang people, otherwise Yin people who will eat raw veges will become more Yin.
More warming foods for Yin people: cherry, chicken, coconut, cinnamon, clove, eel, green onion, ginger, guava, leeks, rosemary, lamb, shrimp, squash, radish, turnips, vinegar, walnut, wine
More cooling foods for Yang people: black beans, kidney beans, sweet potatoes, potatoes, oysters, clams, fish. String beans, lemons, chicken eggs.
Common indicators for a Yin state are cold hands and feet, a pale face and feeling weak. On the other hand, too warm hands and feet or a warm feeling, a red face and always raring to go are indicators that a person is Yang. A balanced state is just in between the indicators mentioned.
More warming foods for Yin people: cherry, chicken, coconut, cinnamon, clove, eel, green onion, ginger, guava, leeks, rosemary, lamb, shrimp, squash, radish, turnips, vinegar, walnut, wine
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