03 October 2010

The Mother of Lungs

Based on TCM, the spleen is a vital organ and is the mother of lungs. The spleen filters the air to transport only pure air up to the lungs and transports impure air down to the stomach. However, there are times the spleen couldn't function well when exposed to outside factors like cold drinks or very cool environment. That is why we catch a cold when we're outside in the cold, and why hot chicken soup is good for colds. The hot temperature will help the spleen recover, so even just drinking hot water (one part hot water, one part tap water) will do the same good job.

The spleen is important to the lungs, so it should be taken cared of. Too much thinking will also affect the spleen. Coupled with sadness or grief, sooner or later, you'll hear that grieving person coughing. Grieving for any loss, whether material thing or a loved one will affect the lungs.

Eating spicy foods moderately will also help the lungs. The spleen likes sweet foods, but too much sweets will also harm the spleen. That is how holistic TCM is, each vital organ has a mother or a son, can control another organ and be controlled by another organ, is affected by emotions and even by the tastes of food.

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